10 Exotic In Dining Room With Brick Walls, Make room seem warmer

Dining Room With Brick Walls - If you want to create an impression of the exotic at home, you can use exposure to a brick wall. Natural appearance can be an interesting accent to a dwelling. In addition, the color that radiates from the brick could bring a warm feel that makes occupants feel comfortable.

You can create exposure to a brick for example in the dining room by applying to one area of the wall. While the other side of the wall that you can brush wall paint colored light gray to create the impression of calm. On furniture such as dining table and chairs and storage you can use brown color so the dining room seem warmer.

for part of a brick wall does not need to cover longer use cement and sand. Thus, the bricks will be able to stand corresponding original character that is natural and gives the impression of an exotic. Because brick exposure is quite susceptible to fungal , then you should do the treatment by giving a coat of paint so that the bricks can avoid the attack of fungi or mildew and color look more beautiful.

Apply at least two coats after brick is installed and you can repeat it periodically in the future.

Dining Room With Brick Walls, brick wall, Dining Room Design

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

Dining Room With Brick Walls

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